For quite some time we've been thinking about going to the Philippines for a diving vacation but did not know which of the numerous destinations there to choose.
During our first vacation to Asia (Lankayan Island; Malaysia) we met a nice German couple
(Thank you Brigitte and Thomas!) who recommended "El Galleon Beach Resort" in Puerto Galera to us.
Since they seemed to like the same kind of diving we do we listened closely to what they told us about the hotel and the dive operation, checked some comments on the www and the more we heard and saw the more we liked it...
So we went to the "Boot 2004" to Düsseldorf (which is THE place to go if you're looking for a diving vacation) where we met their representative and finally booked our three week's vacation for the price of two weeks
with "Reisecenter Federsee".They were friendly and well informed and the paperwork went without any flaws.

Our iterinary : first flight went from Frankfurt to Singapore (almost 12 hours), there we had two hours stop-over ´till the next flight took us to Manila (4,5 hours). What a contrast: leaving home at around 3° C and stepping out of the airport being hit by high humidity and temperatures above 30°C! We were picked up by mini bus and taken to Batangas from where we were taken by local boat called "banca" to the island of Mindoro or what´s even better to the jetty of our destination. That boat-ride took around 2 hours.

Antje "cooked well-done" after more than 24 hours enjoying the beautiful plants inside Singapore Airport


Our driver waving good-bye at Batangas